Recently I had a brief Facebook chat with a former priest who, when I mentioned writing Bible studies, responded with, "It's about time." I was completely astounded! To realize how God had been gifting, equipping, planting seeds for years in ways I hadn't even recognized or been aware of, is really fascinating to me. And amazing!
In Philippians Paul writes: "for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure." God works in us - he's always at work in us, he's always so many steps ahead of us that it's just for us to enjoy the ride and see where he takes us. That's not to say we're not involved in the process - God expects our cooperation and participation. God's work in us involves transformation and transformation doesn't happen without our involvement. (Wouldn't that be nice?)
In thinking about my journey toward writing a Bible study, I know that over the years I've grown to love God's word more and more. My belief in the rock solid truth of that word has grown as well. But the growth has happened out of living and seeing the truth and reality of God and his word and that has often been through hard times and faith-testing, faith-building experiences. But they were transforming experiences - God was shaping and molding me through it all.
I would be one of the first ones to say that discipleship isn't easy. But, then again, it is easy. To follow Light and Love and Blessing and Peace and go wherever the Lord asks me to go knowing that it leads to more light and love and blessing and peace --- well, that's pretty easy to say 'yes' to. Life is going to be hard no matter what our faith is or isn't; how much better it is to go through life following the God who loves me beyond my wildest imaginations and wants only my good (also beyond my wildest imaginations) and has plans and purposes for me that exceed anything I could ever, ever expect!
I wonder what seeds are being planted right now? I wonder what plans and purposes God is working in me, preparing me for, right now? Please don't make the mistake of thinking the Christian life is boring and dull! What can be dull and boring about a life lived with and for a God like ours? The depth, blessing, growth, possibilities, surprises, joy ...... I could go on and on!
But, as it is written,
“What no eye has seen, nor ear heard,
nor the heart of man imagined,
what God has prepared for those who love him”—
(1 Corinthians 2:9 ESV)
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