Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Because we understand our fearful responsibility to the Lord, we work hard to persuade others. (2 Corinthians 5:11 NLT)

I wonder how many of us are of the same sentiment.  Working hard to persuade others doesn't mean harassment, certainly, but it does mean that how we live out our witness to others should be high on our priority list. A lifestyle of faith is a response; any lifestyle is a response to the priorities in our lives.  Where do I spend my time, my money, my energies?  What is the driving force behind every decision I make?  Those are the things that direct my steps, my relationships.  Paul knew the fearful responsibility to the Lord because of the transforming power of the love of Jesus - the transformation from Saul to Paul:  from a zealous pursuit and persecution of Christians to a zealous pursuit of the Lord's mission to bring others to Christ.  Nothing but the power of Love in the person of Jesus could accomplish such a change - such a complete turn-around and change of heart.  

When we recognize "from whence we've come" and see how the healing, transforming love of Jesus has re-made our hearts and our priorities, it gives us the motivation to share our story with others.  We don't have to accost people on the street with our message - just live it.  God can use everything in life - experiences, trials, blessings, hardships - as a way to minister to those he sends our way. We are obviously not all called to be another Paul but we are called and empowered to be who the Lord has gifted, created, and equipped us to be right where we live, work, and interact with people.  The work is God's:  in us and through us.  We get the privilege of cooperating with the Lord in his work.  

How we see ourselves is so very different from how God sees us.  He sees the child he's created for his good will and purposes, the child he loves and calls by name, the child that is a gift to this world.  He's in the process of calling that beautiful creation out in each of us - growing, transforming, healing, loving each of us - shaping us into the man or woman he's created us to be.   Pray for God to reveal himself to you in a new way; pray for him to give you a new understanding into who he is.  I know that's a prayer he loves to answer!  As you grow in your knowledge of who God is, your understanding is deepened and your life will be a reflection - a light - that draws people in and invites them to come to know the One who is the Light of your life.

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