. . . God who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began . . . . 2 Timothy 1:9
Grace. That one little word must be one of the most used words in sermons and prayers for any Christian but it must be one of the least understood. Or maybe it's just me. Intellectually, I get it. I've read my Bible over and over and am amazed by what God has done for us in his mercy, love and grace -- and continues to do! But, deep in my heart where I still struggle with that need to prove to God that I'm worth all his love, grace is a tough concept to grasp. Maybe because it is just so wonderful and undeserved that our sinful selves fight against accepting the knowledge of it. There must be something more we have to do! It's just too good to be true, right? We have to say our prayers, spend just the right amount of time studying the Word, live good lives, be kind, etc., etc., etc. But, what I've come to know is that my time in the Word and in prayer is a response, not a duty. Jesus calls me to come and sit with him for a while - he wants to spend time with me. That's grace.
A few years ago, I experienced a season with the Lord unlike any I've ever known. His presence was so near, so real; my quiet time with him was so fruitful and so full. I would wake up at at 4:00 a.m. - wide awake - and know that I needed to go up to my study for some quiet time. In those quiet hours, so peaceful, I experienced such a sweet time and such an outpouring of the love of the Lord. So much grace.
God calls us and saves us because he loves us. We get to be part of his plans and purposes - it's all grace - and we were part of his plan from the very beginning. I will never be able to grasp that concept. Out of all eternity, all the people, all the civilizations, God's purposes and plans include me - here and now. Amazing! And it's not because I said the right prayers, polished the brass on the altar when I was a teenager, or reached out to a homeless person. It's grace.
My response to that grace and to the love of God that fills me to overflowing is that I can't help but want to reach out to someone in need, serve in my church, and spend time in prayer. Those things aren't done to earn brownie points or jewels in my crown. God, in his mercy, would forgive me (and does!) when I miss the opportunity to reach out, to speak a kind word or go out of my way for someone in need. Thank goodness it's not up to my good works but God's love, mercy and grace.
One of my favorite verses that came out of that awesome season with the Lord is from Jude, verse 1. I love the version from The Message. Spend some time with these few little words - put your own name in front of it. We are "loved by God the Father, called and kept safe by Jesus Christ". That's grace.
I think this would ve a really great devotional, and i would love to tell you everything i love about it, but nobody really likes to read through a whole 5 pg review, so im just gonna keep it short and sweet. I LOVE GOD AND THIS DEVOTIONAL IS A PERFECT FIT INTO MY RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD.
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