Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Proverbs 19:17  Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will repay him for his deed.

In the days we're living in, with the worries over the economy and what the future will hold, the temptation is strong to hang on tight to what we have.  We watch the stock market going on wild roller coaster rides and start thinking seriously about keeping our money under the mattress.  But the Lord knows our fears and he knows our future; and especially in times like these, it's important to remember God's blessings, promises and provision.  He will never leave us or forsake us; that's his promise.  He has never failed to keep a promise and isn't about to start breaking them now.  It would be interesting to know how many times in God's word, he tells us not to  be afraid, to "fear not".  Whatever is happening in the world around us, we are God's children and he loves us and watches over us.  Keep your eyes on him!  And remember all he's done  - his many blessings.  

Keeping our eyes and hearts focused on God keeps our eyes and hearts open to the needs around us.  You might be just the person the Lord has chosen to bring a blessing to someone in great need.  Whether it's a tangible need or an intangible one, we're not to be stingy with the gifts we've received.  In Matthew 10, as Jesus sends out his disciples to minister to the "lost sheep of Israel", his instructions and his sending forth are based on the fact that freely they have received and freely they are to give.  We give out of a full cup - a cup that God, himself, continues to fill.  His heart is for the poor and needy, the oppressed, the widow and the orphan; we are not to pass by and look the other way or turn our heads making excuses for why that person isn't "worthy" of our assistance.  And, again, it may not be financial assistance that is called for but rather a helping hand, a tender heart, the gift of time and a listening ear.  As a prayer minister, I hear many times from people I pray with how much they need and miss human touch.  We are a touch-starved world and the one thing someone may need more than anything else is a reminder that they matter, that someone cares.  

Whatever we do, however we minister to the ones sent our way, the Scripture tells us we are doing it to the Lord and he will bless us, he will continue to empower and enable us to give and we will be better for having reached out.  It changes us from the inside out:  transforms pride into humility, selfishness into open hearts, a blind eye to eyes that look at the world through the eyes of love.

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