The verse that morning that prompted my note was this one from Ps. 46: God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved. God will help her when morning dawns. That was 2 years ago - February 15, 2012, to be exact. It was during a very long period of intense prayer, questioning, struggle and dogged determination to hang on and seek God's face and will for the situations. I often felt like Jacob wrestling with the angel of the Lord; I, too, felt like I was wrestling with God, crying out in prayer, wondering why he was taking so long to do something. That event in 2012 wasn't the complete answer to my prayers; it was a breath of fresh air that gave me rest and encouragement and new strength to continue. I wish I understood why God takes so long to answer some prayers while at other times, his answer comes immediately. I know that I am incapable of seeing the whole big picture and the way God is working things together as I continue praying so my faith has to sustain me during those times of wrestling with unanswered or not-yet-answered prayer because I do believe that God answers every prayer.
I recently heard someone comment that they disliked the term "prayer warrior" but I have to say that during that time of my life, that is what it felt like. I was battling for the ones for whom I was praying. But I was battling WITH God. Even though it didn't always feel like that, I know now who was in charge of the battle, who was leading me, strengthening me, dusting me off and equipping me to go back out on that battlefield.
After 3 intense years of prayer and intercession, God has moved miraculously in each situation for which I was praying. The miracles I've witnessed and experienced have been miracles of bringing life from death - rebirth, new beginnings, restored relationships, reconciliation, amazing testimonies to the power of God and his perfect timing in answering prayers.
I share all this because I want to encourage anyone that is struggling with a difficult situation and wondering why God hasn't done anything. Please don't give up. God is faithful. Trust in the truth that God sees and knows your heart and your struggles. He is at work even when we can't see or understand that anything is happening. I know without a shadow of a doubt that God is good. He is loving and his promises are true. Keep praying. Keep seeking his face. Don't be afraid to be completely honest with him when you have doubts or get angry. God loves you with a love that is safe, trustworthy and completely unconditional. He will answer your prayers.
You are beautiful beyond description
Too marvelous for words
Too wonderful of comprehension
Like nothing ever seen or heard
Who can grasp you infinite wisdom
Who can fathom the depth of your love
You are beautiful beyond description
Majesty enthroned above
And I stand, I stand in awe of you
I stand, I stand in awe of you
Holy God to whom all praise is due
I stand in awe of you
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