The author of the Lenten devotional I read today wrote, "Nobody can tell us what our unique relationship with God will be like." How true that is; yet reading the words gave me an "aha" moment. I wonder, do we lean towards believing that each one's relationship with God has to fit into some biblical cookie cutter? Does that belief lead us into judgment or criticism of another believer because their relationship doesn't fit some perceived mold?
Please don't misunderstand - God's word is THE foundation and the truth that guides and shapes our lives. The scriptures are our plumb line. We are instructed to test the spirits, to use our God-given discernment and not accept or follow a "wolf in sheep's clothing". We are to weigh the teaching we sit under against God's holy word. There are biblical instructions and boundaries for our own good and protection.
God knows our hearts, our weaknesses and strengths. He sees, in each one of his children, that true identity, or self, that he has created - the person he has called us to be. He is always working in us to clear away the "debris" that is preventing our true selves from coming forth. He wants to heal the wounds of that false self we so often live with/behind - that side of us we show to the world, fearful that if people really knew us they'd turn away.
As God looks at us through his eyes of love, he is calling forth that beautiful person he created. Like Lazarus being called forth from the tomb still wrapped in his stinky grave cloths, Jesus calls to us to come forth and live as the child of the King that we are. The ways in which he ministers his love, grace and healing to each of us is unique, just as each one of us is unique in all of creation. What a blessing to know that our loving God isn't expecting us to fit into some kind of pre-set mold or pattern for growth as a Christian but instead reaches out to each one according to the needs and condition of our hearts. He is oh so gentle and compassionate, tender and merciful, always loving as he works in us revealing his glorious creation to the world -- YOU.
How great is our God!
Thanks to Trinity School of Ministry for their 2012 Lenten Devotional
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