Does it happen every year at this same time? This feeling of something-not-quite-right? Holidays are difficult in the best of circumstances -- trying to get the house decorated, gifts bought and wrapped. Oh! Don't forget, it's Advent - I'm supposed to be spending more time reflecting on this holy season. Then there are just the normal list of things to do and places to go and people to see. sigh. Where is that peace?
I chose the Amplified Bible's version of the John verse above because of those words in the brackets: "stop allowing yourselves . . . do not permit yourselves . . . ." On the one hand, those words feel like another thing to add to my already full list - another "to do" even though in this case it's a "not-to-do". So, now I have to concentrate on not being agitated, disturbed, etc., etc. Again I ask: where is the peace?
Jesus says he is leaving us with HIS OWN peace, not something we have to muster up within ourselves. It's not a peace that looks like anything we see in the world around us, it's deeper and it's true peace. It's a peace that is in spite of what's going on around us.
Lately, I've been hearing that still small voice of the Lord calling me to come away with him, by myself, to a quiet place and get some rest. How important is that to me? How important is it to obey that voice? Do the appointments and responsibilities matter more than that request to come away with the Lord? Jesus wants my time and my attention and is calling me away from all these distractions to sit with him quietly and listen, to be restored, to once again live out of and into that peace that he's already given to me. Am I too frazzled to even able to be still?
This is not the way to welcome and reflect on the Incarnate Lord and his presence in our world and in my life. Or is it? The message of Advent is that the the Word took on human flesh and existence, came and dwelt among us - lived with us, as one of us. He knows what humanity feels like. He knows what it feels like to be pulled in every direction, to have places to go and people to meet. And in his humanity he taught us in words and action how to know his peace. Pay attention in the Gospel accounts of how many times Jesus went off by himself to pray. And, after sending the disciples out in pairs to do ministry, he greets their return and excitement by inviting them to come away with him and get rest. He, better than anyone, knows our need to rest with him and in him. He tells us that apart from him we can do nothing. He tells us about abiding in him. He showed us what that looked like as he abides in his Father, as he does nothing apart from his Father. Who am I to think I can do anything in my own power?! How arrogant! How foolish!
I'm looking forward to the days I have blocked off on my calendar to go away by myself. How wonderful to know that I'm not really going by myself and that I'm going at the invitation of the Lord Jesus - he's requesting my presence for some one-on-one, quality time. Ah.....there's the peace!
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