Wednesday, October 23, 2013


I read today that an old friend is in the last stages of his life; the family is keeping vigil and friends are praying him into God’s arms.  It makes me think of all the people that pass through my life.  This friend was kind to me, made me laugh, gave good hugs and wonderful shoulder rubs when my muscles were screaming after hours and hours of playing my guitar and leading worship music.  

It’s interesting to think of the different communities and circles of friends – those that stay with you for a shorter time and those that stay with you longer.  Life is so transient, so full of change and redirection.  All that change leads to changes in circles of friends.  I’m not really sure why that is; I’ve never been good at letting friends go, at saying goodbye.  I’m like Peter on the mount of transfiguration; I want to make this permanent, hold on to it!  But Larry touched my life for a period of time and I’m sad that he’s leaving the earth but happy for him that he’s going home to Jesus.  I pray for the Lord to welcome him home; that Larry will hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” and that he’ll know the glory of total and perfect healing.  

Should I have stayed in touch better?  We weren’t that kind of friends – just stayed in touch through Facebook. So many levels of friendship, of sharing; and yet we still have these circles where we touch each other’s life and heart and make a difference.  The shared memories, the conversations, the laughter, etc. all are a gift for however long we have them.

So, God bless Larry.  Comfort his family and friends that are keeping watch as he passes into your arms.  Let him know I’m thinking about him if that makes a smile in his heart and thank him for me – for his friendship and kindness in those wonderful seasons with Cursillo.  He blessed me and I pray I was a blessing to him.  Give him a big hug from me; and Lord, would you rub his shoulders and tell him I said “thanks”?